
Our Bible Verse For Today




                                                                                                             Psalms 1–6:

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on His Law, day & night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers. But it is Not so with the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. Therefore, the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction. 





Qualification For Admission into The School Program

For Those Who Are Ready for Complete Submission to the LORD-Deut.4:6

 For Those Who Want to Find Out Their God’s Given Assignments–Romans 12:2

 For Those Who Want to Break-Free from the Wicked Generational and Ancestral Evil Patterns.

 For Those Who Want to Activate, Experience and Manifest the Fruits of the Spirit in their Individual Lives—Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Meekness, and Self-Control. Gal. 5:22-23

 For Those Who Want to Make it to The Marriage Supper Banquet Matt.25:1-13

 For Those Who Want to Receive the Promises of God for Their Lives. Revelations Revelation 21:1-2

 For Those Who Are Open & Ready for Change—Romans 12:2

  For Those Who Want to Experience Kingdom Transformation- Romans12:2

 For Those Who Want to Experience Kingdom Promotions and Advancements, Taking You to the Next and the Next Levels of Your Divine Assignment. Matt. 25:31-36, Hebrews 11:6.

 For Those Who Want to Realize and Establish Their Divine Destiny– Their God’s Given Purpose–Romans 12:3

 For Those Who Want to Receive Their Kingdom Inheritance—Matt 25:31-36.

For Those Who Want to Activate and Walk in the Manifestation of Kingdom Dominion, 

Rev. 3:12.

4th Semester

Divine Illumination & Revelations:

What Is Spiritual Illumination?

How Do We Receive Revelations?

Believe & Eternity

Fruits of The Spirit

The Office of The Prophet

The Healing Ministry of Jesus Christ

The Importance and Significance of Unity in the Body of Christ

The Reality of Household Enemies

The Significant Meaning of The Parable of the Mustard Seed

The Nazarite Law

The Kingdom of God


Results of the Fire Test

The Sin of Blasphemy

Why The LORD Withholds Our Spiritual Harvest

Prove of God’s Approval in Our Lives

The Office of the Judge

Why Does God Require Us to Be transformed & Equipped Before the Release of Our Assignments?

I Do Nothing Without Consulting the Father.

What Are Divine Revelations?

The Love of God

Gifts of The Spirit

Who Am I

The Office of the Judge—Making the Sixth Fold Ministry

The Significance of the Light & Salt Parables

The Cause of Chaos & Confusion in The Church.

The Significance of The Parable of the Pearl Merchant & The Parable of The Hidden Treasure

The Wickedness and the Consequences of Betrayals

The Kingdom of God

Criteria For Entering the Kingdom of God

The Fire Test of the Holy Spirit

The Kingdom Proper

Anyone Who Mentions the Name of the LORD Must Depart from


Unless You Are Faithful in Small Matters, You Won’t Be Faithful with Much

Qualification For Ministry. How Do You Qualify for the 


Those Who Exalt Themselves Will Be Humbled

5th Semester

We Are The Ambassadors Of Christ:

Class Split

Be The Example



The Second Coming of Jesus Christ


Redemption/ Dominion

The Resurrection

Religious Law/The Law of Moses

Prayers That Command Results

The Pharisees & Religious Leaders Called Jesus Demon Possessed & Crazy

Kingdom Authority

The Meaning & Significance of the LORD’s Prayer

Complete Surrender

We Stumble & Walk in Confusion When There is No Light Within

What The Bible Teaches About Moving from One Church to The Other

The Prophet Daniel Received Special Ability to Understand the Meaning of Visions & Dreams

The Writings of Apostle Paul


Bible Mysteries



Unity in The Body of Christ

The Revelation of the Human Soul

More on Circumcision

Prayers That Get the Attention of Heaven

The Best Approach to Begin Ministry

Any Kingdom Divided Against itself is Doomed.

The Truth that Sets You Free

A Prophet Is Honored Everywhere Except Among His Own People

Those Who Reject the Good News Embrace Judgment

It is Not by Might nor By Power but By the Spirit of The Living God

The True Significance of Preparing for the Day of the LORD

Jesus Agonizes in the Garden of Gethsemane

6th Semester

Reviews For All Five Semesters

Preparations For Ordination and Graduation Ceremonies

Graduation Ceremony


Policies And Procedures


There shall be no form of harassment at the school, especially during school hours and even out of school hours. Sexual harassment or disrespectfully harassing.


There shall be no discrimination on the premises, for the on-campus and online students. No discrimination in terms of race and
color. No form of color-consciousness will be tolerated. Everyone is accepted. God made us different for a reason. He made us to come from different race and different cultural backgrounds for a reason; so, love your neighbor as you love yourself is the key word and action button that we go by.


We are all responsible for each other. In case anything goes wrong with someone, the one next to you should be able to call for help
or help the person in trouble. The staff should be able to cheap in to help the one in trouble.


No form of rebellion is tolerated because we cannot fulfill destiny in rebellion. If you know you have some unsolved issues, you can
always ask for help. That is why the program is put together, to help us reach our various destinations.


We should be able to respect each other, whether big or small. Respect is not only for the elderly but also for the minors and under minors. The way you respect a child would determine how much love and honor the child will have for you as an adult. When we know better, we do better. We teach the children to respect us, not so much by telling them what to do but by modelling that respectful behavior and character in front of them. We have to be the example of what we want to see from them.

Duty Consciousness:

We have to be able to finish our work on time. Sometimes it is understood that it could be overwhelming, but we must make sure we find time to complete tasks, very important. For the staff or teachers, we would need at least two hours’ notice in advance to let us know you would not be able to cover a particular lesson on the timetable.

Conflict Resolution:

As humans, we will have issues with others from time to time, we cannot avoid it. But always make sure those conflicts are resolved. If you need to apologize and make some restitution, you go right ahead and do it. Do not be rebellious in a situation where you know you
caused the problem, or you triggered the problem. Be quick to take responsibility and make the necessary amends.

Community Outreach:

The community outreach programs are a must, especially for the students because it is one of the most important activities in our schedule. It is a must! You will know why later. As a matter of fact, if you miss the outreach programs more than five times you might
not be able to be included in the graduation and ordination, to those it may concern.


We must be people who are ready to work as a team at any given point in time. When one is hurting, all of us hurt with the person. There is nothing like this is my portion and that is yours. We should be able to employ flexibility and do what we need to do as a team in order to complete our tasks.


We should be careful always to stop and appreciate the work that people do, especially the leadership. Do not take your staff for granted. Always appreciate them for being there and doing what they have to do for the company or organization. Also, the students should not forget to appreciate your administrators and staff who labor to bring you the word that will help transform and groom you to establishment. They are your beacon of light; so please do well to appreciate them.

Power Outage:

In the case of any power outage or natural disaster like the lights going out, or bad weather, there should be no room for panic, but
everyone would be expected to stay calm until the situation is addressed.

Lunch Break:

There will be an hour for everyone during lunch break to take care of whatever you have to take care of. The school will provide lunch and water at least twice a week for the staff and students. Coffee will always be available round the clock.


In the case of an emergency, delegate someone to cover up for you. Always keep a PRN Standby person to cover for you when you are out.


Some of the teachers will be teaching them on zoom, since some will be out of state and some will be out of the country.


 All staff must be on payroll of by-weekly payment.

School Registration Form Fee: $50.00

Registration Form—Pamela Orock Foundational School of Ministry.

Form for Tuition: $5000----School Fees for The Entire 16 Months Program

Form for Book's Fee---$250

Admissions and Enrollments: Will Take Place Right After Registration, Tuition & Books Are Complete.

For anyone who is willing to support, Donate or sponsor a student, please fill the form.