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Prophetess Pamela Agbor Orock

Pamela Agbor Orock Is the founder and Proprietor of Pamela Orock Foundational School of Ministry Inc and Pamela Orock Foundational Ministries Inc. Pamela was born on oct 17, in West Central Africa— Cameroon, in a small town in Manyu Division—Mamfe by daddy Orock Mbi Oscar {Omo Clinic} Late; and Mom Helen Orock. Dad was a Nurse Practitioner who worked and served in the Civil Service in Cameroon for so many years. He was so good at his profession as a Nurse, so much that, right after his retirement, he applied for, and was granted a Government License that permitted him to open and run the First Private Clinic in Manyu Division popularly known as Omo Clinic. Mom was and has always been a housewife; and helped dad greatly when the clinic was still functional. My parents have nine children, thirteen grandchildren—two of whom are Late, and four precious great grandchildren. Pamela is the last of nine children. Pamela attended the Presbyterian Primary School in Mamfe where she obtained her First School Living Certificate—F S L C. She later attended the Government High School in Mamfe, where she acquired her secondary education—the G C E Ordinary Levels Certificate. Pamela later attended High School @ B H S Buea, Baptist High School in Buea, where she obtained her G C E Advanced Level Certificate. For sure Pamela also later attended the University of Yaoundé 1 she spent three years in college and came out with a Bachelors’ Degree in English Modern Letters—Department of Arts, Science and Technology. Right after her three years in College, Pamela travelled to the United States of America and now resides in Roswell Georgia.

Pamela is the youngest of nine siblings. After so many attempts at trying so many things to no avail, Pamela received a Vision from the LORD for the Pamela Orock Foundational Ministry and School of Ministry in 2004. On this blessed day, in the Month of Oct, I was laying down on the couch of my apartment, and suddenly I went into a trance and saw a white sheet of paper rolling down my face with Bible Scriptures on it. The white sheet of paper kept rolling and got to a point and stopped. Then the last scripture on the white sheet of paper became boldly printed, and it read– -EXODUS 3:16. Right after I saw and read the bold print, the white sheet of paper started rolling back upward and disappeared. Not long after the encounter, I regained consciousness and found myself laying down on the couch, and I began to wonder what just happened to me. I knew I was not sleeping when I saw what I saw; but what was it that I just saw remained a mystery until later. After so much wondering what that encounter could possibly be, I heard a still small voice spoke to me and said, “Why Don’t You Pick Up Your Bible & Find out What the Verse of Scripture is all about?” After much hesitation, I reached for my Bible and opened to Exodus 3:16, and it read, “Go and gather together all the elders of Israel, tell them the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob appeared to me in a burning bush. You should be rest assured that I have seen everything that is happening to you in Egypt.” People of God, this is the same Vision Prophet Moses received, right before he went back to Egypt to deliver the Israelites. When I saw and read the Bible passage, I did not understand what the LORD was saying but at that point in time in my life, I was going through hell with Demonic manipulations and witchcraft harassment. I kept wondering what the white sheet of paper with Bible scriptures meant. Not long I reached out to 3 my Pastor and told him all that transpired at my apartment with the white sheet of paper rolling down my face. It seems he did not understand what it was, so he did not really tell me anything that I wanted to hear. He nevertheless prayed for me and left the matter alone. I proceed to call every Elder of the Church; One after the other, to tell them what happened to me. None of them understood what happened, and they all did exactly what the Pastor did, prayed for me and left the matter alone. It should be noted that even though the matter was left alone, I did not leave it alone, neither did the incident left my spirit. I kept wondering about the image for about a year. During which time a sister in the LORD fell sick, and I was called over by one Pastor to go over to the sick sister’s house to assist her. While at the sick sister’s house, this same man of God came to visit the first day and he left. The second day, when the man of God came over, I left and went to shower, but he said to me, “Pamela, hurry, up and come back because I came today purposely for you.” And I said, you came to see me? What for? And I hurried up and got out of the shower and came and sat in the living room where the three of us were sitting. We were three in the living room: The sick Sister in myself, and the Pastor. Not long from that time, I had just been through with some deliverance sessions from Witchcraft activities and manipulations. As I sat down to listen to what he has to say, he started by asking me, “When was the first or last time you had an encounter with the LORD?” And I looked around the room, wondering who he was actually referring to. As I wondered, I asked him, “Are you talking to me?” He replied and said, “Who else would I be talking to?” Then as I kept wondering about the encounter question, the image, and the memory of the white sheet of paper came to my mind.

Right away I told the servant of God about the mystery of the white sheet of paper I saw in a trance almost a year before that time. Immediately I finished narrating the story about the encounter, he told me, “The white sheet of paper you saw was the Scroll from Heaven and from the LORD Almighty. And the boldly printed scriptural verses you saw on the scroll is the vision for your assignment.” After the Pastor finished explaining what the whole picture was all about, I still did not understand everything but every word he spoke from the LORD to me were kind of like Imprinted and engraved in my spirit and soul to this day. The Pastor Proceeded by asking me, “Where do you see yourself, in the Pulpit or in the Pew? And before I could respond, he said, “The Pulpit is your place, the Pulpit is where you are Headed; but I will have to prepare you. I will take you through the school of Ministry & take you through the School of the Spirit.” And then the next question was, “Can you keep a secret that just me and you know?” After the two big questions, I now realized it was the LORD actually speaking to me and I did not dare to ask the Pastor again, “Whom he was speaking to, but instead replied with a ‘yes, LORD I can Keep a secret just between Myself and you.” And that was the end of the discussion and shortly after that, the man of God left. Though I did not write down anything the man of God was saying, everything was nonetheless engraved in my spirit to this day. I later got a pen and a booklet and wrote down everything the LORD used the man of God to tell me. It was after this prophetic release from this man of God, then I started going to Barnes and Nobles on Cobb Parkway to read at the library. It was then that I encountered the Book by Pastor— Benny Hinn, “The Anointing.” When I read that book, I began to understand somethings that the LORD was saying to me. In the book, Pastor Benny Hinn explained what the anointing is all about, he also explained how and 5 when we can receive the anointing and so many other things that he taught in the book. When I read that book, it was at that time that the LORD gave me the full understanding about the anointing and some deep spiritual things. The information in that book also helped me in the process of my spiritual growth. Thank you, Pastor Benny Hinn for being obedient when God spoke to you to write that book, at the time you wrote the book. God bless you. So, right after that time, the LORD started taking me through His mysterious School of Ministry and mysterious School of the Spirit. I encountered other books during that period that also helped with my spiritual growth, development, and maturity. The other book was the “Threshing Floor” by Prophetess Juanita Bynum. Yes, I read this particular book over and over and gained a Lot of deep spiritual insights that propelled me to my next level. Thank you, Prophetess Bynum, for letting God use you to write that particular book. God bless you. dipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.



However, after five years of grooming in and through the LORD’s mysterious School of Ministry and mysterious School of the Spirit, The LORD blessed me with my first Kingdom Inheritance–The Pamela Orock Foundational Ministries in the year–2009. As the grooming process of the LORD continued and the LORD saw my obedience and continued submission to His word, many doors began to open, and I began my writing career, writing and editing so many manuscripts-for books’ publication. When the time was right, the LORD opened a door for me to publish my first book. So, I began my books’ publication in the Year 2012. As my obedience and submission to the LORD continued, He later blessed me with a Publishing Company–The Pamela Orock Publishing House when He saw my diligence in the book writing work that I was doing. Yes, He blessed me with “The Pamela Orock Publishing House LLC.” And not too long after that period, the LORD again blessed me with creative skills where 6 I started my own organic skincare line, producing all natural products from scratch under “Pamela Orock Productions LLC.” This is the same Gift the LORD blessed Bazaliel & Oholiab with, in Exodus 31 & 35, Making Them Jewelers, Designers, Embroiderers and Weavers. Making them masters at every craft. This is what the LORD meant when He told Moses, “I have poured my Spirit in Bazaliel & Oholiab, making them Producers, Jewelers, Embroiderers, Designers & Weavers—Making them Masters’ at every craft. It is the same message the Lord Jesus was passing on to us, when He gave the teaching on the Parable of the Four Soils, making us to understand that the Good soil represents the hearts of good and honest people who hear the word of God, put them in practice and later produce a Huge Harvest—Thirty, Sixty and a Hundred-Fold Return—Luke 8:15. Yes, Jesus as trying to let us know that people who listen to the word of God and put it into practice will certainly become producers. This is what the Co-authors of the book of Hebrew—Silas and Peter meant, when they told us in Hebrews 11:6 saying, “Anyone who comes to me must believe that I am the one who Rewards those who diligently seek me.” As we can see, the Bible does not lie. My life’s experiences and results are true Evidence of Kingdom Advancement, Kingdom Manifestations, Kingdom Inheritance, and Kingdom Promises. The Bible tells us the Secrets of the LORD are with them that fear Him. Those who know Their God shall do exploits. I will leave that one right there. There are still many territories to conquer, only for those who know their God and for those who have the eyes to see what the LORD has instore for us. 7 All the things I do in and out of Ministry were birth from the Vision the LORD gave me in the year 2004, when I saw the white sheet of paper and did not know what it was. How I know those Prophesies the man of God gave me came from the LORD is because they all came to pass. Habakkuk 2:2 Tells us, “Write the Vision and make it plain, so that those who see it can run with it.” The Bible also lets us know that any Vision you receive is for an appointed time. Though it may tarry, it must surely come to pass. No one truly knows what I went through behind the scenes before the manifestations of this Vision could take place. Only God knows. So, beloved people of God, the Vision for Pamela Orock Foundational Ministries and School of Ministry have been made plain enough for whoever wants to partner with and support the Vision. The Vision has also been made clear enough for any students who want to enroll into the School Program, to find out and get to tap into God’s Promises for their Lives. At this ministry and the school of ministry, we have enough evidence to testify, or show prove of the fact that God is in our midst. People need tangible, visible evidence of the manifestation of kingdom advancement, to be able to commit to any course, God bless your precious souls. So, beloved people of God, that is how I received the Vision for the Ministry & the School of Ministry, the Writing & Editing Skills, the Publishing Company, the Production Company. All these skills and companies were all birth from the same Vision the LORD gave me in 2004. I was in my twenties when I received this vision. The Ministry, School of Ministry, the Writing Skills, the Books, the Publishing Company, even the Production Company are all Inter-woven. Each one of them depends on and supports one another somehow. Let the LORD’s Name be Praiseeeeeeed, Halleluia. So, without much I do about nothing, you would certainly permit me now to say Pamela is a Visionary, Prophet, Teacher, Writer, Author, Publisher, Producer, Event Planner, Organizer, Designer & a Chef Like no other. I am a Skincare Brand in the Market—Pamela’s Secret. All these were made 8 possible because of the LORD and because of the vision He gave me in the year 2004. This Vision is not just for me but for my generation and ten generations to come. Praise the Name of the Almighty God. So, After Reading All the Information with Tangible & Verifiable proves, would you like to Enroll to the School Program, so that Together We Can Receive the Long-awaited Inheritance and the said Promises of God for Our Lives, peace

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Pamela Orock Foundational School of Ministry.

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