Qualification For Admission into The School Program

For Those Who Are Ready for Complete Submission to the LORD-Deut.4:6

For Those Who Want to Find Out Their God’s Given Assignments–Romans 12:2

For Those Who Want to Break-Free from the Wicked Generational and Ancestral Evil Patterns.

For Those Who Want to Activate, Experience and Manifest the Fruits of the Spirit in their Individual Lives—Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Meekness, and Self-Control. Gal. 5:22-23

For Those Who Want to Make it to The Marriage Supper Banquet Matt.25:1-13

For Those Who Want to Receive the Promises of God for Their Lives. Revelations Revelation 21:1-2

For Those Who Are Open & Ready for Change—Romans 12:2

For Those Who Want to Experience Kingdom Transformation- Romans12:2

For Those Who Want to Experience Kingdom Promotions and Advancements, Taking You to the Next and the Next Levels of Your Divine Assignment. Matt. 25:31-36, Hebrews 11:6.

For Those Who Want to Realize and Establish Their Divine Destiny– Their God’s Given Purpose–Romans 12:3

For Those Who Want to Receive Their Kingdom Inheritance—Matt 25:31-36.

For Those Who Want to Activate and Walk in the Manifestation of Kingdom Dominion, 

Rev. 3:12.

School's Vision

The Vision for Pamela Orock Foundational School of Ministry is to Birth
and Establish Visions, Dreams, Destinies, Gifts, Assignments, Purpose,
Rewards, Kingdom Inheritants or Birthing the Promises of God.

School's Mission

The Mission for this Vision is Carried out Through a Comprehensive On campus and Online School Programs, not Forgetting Outreach Programs
to Help the Needy, the Homeless the Orphans, the Widows & the Less
Privileged in the Community

Core Values

We Stand for Loyalty, Unity & Peace

Short Term Goals

Establish & Set Up the On-campus & The Online School of Ministry Programs. Groom, Nurture, Develop, Mature & Equip Students for the Birthing and the Establishing of their Visions, Dreams, Gifts, Destinies, Assignments, Purpose, and the Promises of God. Teach and Equip Students to Possess and Manifest Kingdom Inheritance, Kingdom Rewards, or Kingdom Promises on the Earth, I Mean Manifesting the Thirty, the Sixty, and the Hundred-Fold Return. To Manifest or fulfill What the Apostle Paul Said and I Quote, “All Creation is Waiting for The Manifestation of the Sons of God.” Paul Was Talking About Manifesting Kingdom Visions, Kingdom Dreams, Kingdom Destinies, Kingdom Assignments and Kingdom Promises. These kingdoms Manifestations are What Jesus Meant When He Made These statements in the Disciples’ Prayer in Matthew Six, telling us “Let Thy Kingdom Come, Let Thy Will Be Done on Earth.” Establish Recreational or Reformational Centers to Cater for The Needs and Wellbeing of the Homeless, the Orphans, the Widows and the under Privileged—-The Pamela Orock Recreational or Reformational Center. Ordain, Graduate and Send Out a Group of Equipped & Commissioned Students Who Carry the Evidence and the Manifestation of Kingdom Advancement, Kingdom Inheritance and Kingdom Promises. Argue or Doubt These Statements at Your Own Risks. Visitation to the Jails, Prisons, and the Hospitals to Share the Love of God and Help them Meet Some of their Immediate Needs.

Long Term Goals

Branch Out to Other Cities, States and Countries with The School of Ministry. Open-up Bookstores and Libraries in Other Cities, States and Countries;
As a Result, We Will Create Job Opportunities for The Unemployed. Establish Recreational or Reformational Centers to Cater for The Needs and Wellbeing of the Homeless, the Orphans, the Widows and the under Privileged—-The Pamela Orock Recreational or Reformational Center.
Ordain, Graduate and Send Out a Group of Equipped & Commissioned Students Who Carry the Evidence and the Manifestation of Kingdom
Advancement, Kingdom Inheritance and Kingdom Promises. Argue or Doubt These Statements at Your Own Risks. Visitation to the Jails, Prisons, and the Hospitals to Share the Love of God and Help them Meet Some of their Immediate Needs.

School Syllabus for The Entire Fifteen Months Program

Required Textbooks For The Entire School Program--30 Textbooks in All

The Holy Bible——Life Application Study Bible—NIV-NLT-KJV

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ—By Prophetess Pamela A Orock

My Divine Destiny—-Finding My Purpose—-By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

Divine Illumination & Revelations—–By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

The Writings of Apostle Paul—To Prove That Paul Did Not Contradict Other Bible Authors—-By  Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

The Lamb’s Book of Life—Divine Leadership—By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

The Anointing——By Pastor Benny Hinn

The Best Testimony About Me is Not from a Man—By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

The Significance of Bible Parables—–By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

Spiritual Growth & Maturity—–By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

Visions & Dreams—-By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

The Revelation of the Sons of God—-By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

Prayer Rain—-By Dr. D K Olukoya.

The Hebrew Calendar—-The Real Calendar of God—-By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

The Wisdom Topical Bible—-By Dr. Mike Murdock

Discipleship—Pacesetter Leadership–By Prophetess Pamela A Orock

The Pillar of Truth—Counteracting Heresies-By Prophetess Pamela A Orock

Putting on The Whole Armor of God—By Prophetess Pamela A Orock.

The Supernatural—Revelation of The Human Soul—By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

The Kingdom of God——Receiving the Promises of G—By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock.

Good Morning Holy Spirit——-By Pastor Benny Hinn

The Threshing Floor—-By Prophetess Juanita Bynum

The Justice System of God—-By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock.

Eternity—By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

Bible Promises—–Living Legacies—-By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

Criteria For Kingdom Promotions—-By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

God In Heaven Assigns Each Person’s Work—-By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

The Danger of Unfruitful Patterns:

By Prophetess Pamela A. Orock

Command Your Morning—-By Dr. D K Olukoya

The Law of Recognition—By Dr. Mike Murdock

School Curriculum for The Various Semesters-Six Semesters in All.

First Semester

Divine Leadership/ Pacesetter Leadership


Faith Walk

The Passover/Easter

Naming Ceremony

The Hebrew Calendar

What is Christianity? Who is a Christian?

What Does It Mean to Be Born Again?

Baptism by Immersion

Tithes, Offerings and Seed Sowing

Sacrifice and Love

Put on The Belt of Truth

Put on The Gospel of Peace

Put on The Helmet of Salvation

Pray All Manner of Prayers

Prayer of Supplication

Prayer of Forgiveness

Dreams, Purpose, Assignments, Destinies.

God’s Ordained New Year

The Festival of Unleavened Bread

Baby Dedication Ceremony

The Will of God.

Who is A Born-Again Christian?

Baptisms of Fire.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Oneness in Christ

Put on The Whole Armor of God.

Put on The Body Armor of Righteousness

Put on The Shield of Faith

Put on the sword of the spirit

Prayer of Dedication

Prayer of Repentance

Prayer of Warfare

2nd Semester


Cost of Discipleship

Results Of Decipline

Difference Between a Disciple & a Believer

Who are You in Christ?

Work Out Your Salvation With Fear and Tremble

You Can Speak To a Mountain And Make it move.

Unity in The Body Of Christ.

The Story Before The Glory.

The Spirit Of Esau

The Anointing

The Wisdom Of God.

The Threshing Floor.

Who is a Disciple

Purpose Of Discipleship

Who Is a Believer

The True Meaning Of Forgiveness And Repentance.

The Significance of The Statement, “If you Have faith as small as a Mustard Seed

More About Relationships.

Significance of Yokes & Perishable Bodies.

Seek The Lord Before Its Late.

The Bible, a Book Of Instructions.

The Law Of Recognition.

The Sixth Fold Ministry Including The Office Of The 


3rd Semester

Spiritual Growth And Maturity

My Assignment

Fulfilling My purpose

The Promised Land

The Unbridled Tongue

The Significance of The Parable of the Good Samaritan

The Significant Meaning Behind Jesus Feeding the Four and Five thousand People.

My True Disciples Produce Much Fruit.

The Shield of Faith

With God All Things Are Possible

The Sabbath

The Significant Meaning of, “Anyone Who Comes to Me Must Believe that I amThe One Who Rewards Those Who Diligently Seek Me.”

More Responsibility Will be Given to Those Who Are Faithful with Little Assignments—The Significance of the Parable of the Loaned Money.

The Avenger of Murder

Finding My Purpose

The Great Exchange

The Realm of Eternity

The Sacrifices that are Pleasing to the LORD

Who is The Proverbs 31 Woman.

The Significance of The Washing of the Feet Ceremony

Rebuilding the Ruins

The Significant Meaning of Eternal Life, Everlasting Life

Seek First the Kingdom of God & His Righteousness & All These Other Things Will Be Added unto You. The Significant Meaning of, “All These Other Things Will BeAdded unto You.

The Significant Meaning of, “The Disciples Gave Up All to Follow


Those Who Are Faithful with Little, More Will Be Given to Them. But to Those Who Are Unfaithful, Even the Little They Have, Will be taken from Them.

Standing Firm in Adversity



                                     School Location—-Windy Hill Road. 

                         Office Location—-Switched off for Now.
                  Duration of School Program—16 Months Including Holidays. 

              School Program Officially Begins 3/15/2024

                                                               Contact Information for The School

                                                       Facebook: Pamela Orock Foundational Ministries

 Email: info@pamelaorockfoundationalschoolofministry.org/

 Toll Free Number: (877) 752-6710, Ext. 1001

For Registrations: 470-327-9234 Ext. 1001

 For Admissions: 877-752-6710, Ext. 1001

 Fax Num: 470-260-4186


School P O. Box Address:

945 North Point Drive #116 Alpharetta, GA 30022 United States

For the On-campus Students’ Registration, Please Call or Email                   info@pamelaorockfoundationalschoolofministry.org/

Phone: 404-800-5265 Ext. 1001 

For the Online, Out of State & International Students’ Registration 

    Email: info@pamelaorockfoundationalschool    of ministry.org/


Call Toll Free: 

(877) 752-6710 Ext. 1001




John Smith

Pamela Orock foundational Online School of Ministry made me feel welcome and supported. I highly recommend Pamela Orock foundational School of Ministry to anyone who is serious about serving in ministry.

Sarah Jones

I’m a single mom, and I was worried about how I would be able to attend the Online School. The school was very Educative. The school was worth every penny. I learned so much about the Bible and about how to be an effective minister. I’m now serving as a women’s ministry leader at my church, and I’m loving it!” 

Mary Johnson

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have joined Pamela Orock foundational School of ministry, Online. The curriculum was challenging and thought-provoking, and the Teachings were knowledgeable and passionate. I feel much more equipped to serve in my ministry now, and I’m excited to see what God has in store for me next.

Harry Bright

It Was really a life changing program. Highly recommended.



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